Untitled - Labor Team Screen

Use this screen to add and edit team members and wage information.

Description of fields on the Team tab screen

Field Label Description
Location This is the repair facility location of the team.
Team Name Enter a team name. This field is required.
Description Enter information in this field that describes the team specifics (e.g., Paint Prep Team). This field is required.
Team Type Select one of the team type options. The flat rate option allows you to select from a list of all paid employees. The hourly option displays only the employees who are paid an hourly wage.
Active When checked, indicates an active team.
Members Select one of the options that describes the allocation hours.
Add Line Select this option to add employees to the team, and to designate a team leader.
Delete Line This option deletes the selected employee from the team.
Employee Select the employee from this droplist to add them to the team.
Pay Type This value is populated when you select an employee. This field cannot be edited.
Allocation % This value is populated when you select an employee. This field cannot be edited.
Team Leader Select this option to designate the select employee as the team leader.

Description of fields on the Wages tab screen

Field Label Description
Guarantee per Pay Period Enter a value in this field if the team has a guaranteed pay amount.
Add Line Select this option to add a labor type to the team.Enter flat rate, commission, and assign hours values in the appropriate fields for each labor type.
Delete Line Selecting this option deletes the selected labor type.
Labor Type Select a labor type from this droplist. These are the labor types associated with the estimating system. This droplist also has an In House Labor type for internal labor costing.
Flat Rate $ This is the dollar amount per labor hour for the team.
Commission % Enter a commission percentage value the team is to be paid.
Assign % Select a percentage value from this droplist if the assigned hours are less than 100%.

Description of fields on the toolbar

Field Label Description
File This options allows you to select Save and New, Save and Close, and Close.
Save and New Selecting this option saves the information, closes the screen, and opens a new Untitled - Employee screen.
Save and Close This option saves the information and closes the screen.
Actions There are no options associated with this button.
Help Launches the Online Help.

See Also

Creating a Team







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